Order Confirmation & Post-Purchase Messaging
Learn how to customize your messaging to attendees after they purchase. This article will review:
- Customizing the Order Confirmation Page
- Customizing the Order Confirmation Email
- Customizing PDF Tickets with Post-Purchase Information
- Communicating with Attendees
Note: Purchase Conditions are automatically added to all event pages including the order confirmation page, the order confirmation email, and the tickets email.
Customizing the Order Confirmation Page
There are multiple different ways to customize the order confirmation page. If you're looking to customize the order confirmation email, skip to the next section.
- Order Confirmation Text: This text is shown on the order confirmation page to all purchasers regardless of which ticket type they purchased.
- To Edit: On your event, go to General Details and navigate to the Additional Details section. Edit the Order Confirmation Page Text setting.
- Post-Purchase Ticket Details: Any ticket details relevant for all ticket types that you would like customers to know after placing an order (ie: pick up times, registration information, etc). This is also shown on PDF tickets.
- To Edit: On your event, go to Ticket Settings, navigate to the Post-Purchase Ticket Settings section and edit the Post-Purchase Ticket Details setting.
- Post-Purchase Ticket Disclaimer: Any disclaimer information relevant for all ticket types you want customers to know after placing an order. This is also shown on PDF tickets.
- To Edit: On your event, go to Ticket Settings, navigate to the Post-Purchase Ticket Settings section and edit the Post-Purchase Ticket Disclaimer setting.
- Order Confirmation Page Additional Information: If you need to show additional order confirmation page information, use this setting to add additional text to the order confirmation page.
- To Edit: On your event, go to General Details and scroll down to Show Advanced Fields. Under Advanced Fields, edit the Order Confirmation Page Additional Information setting.
- Confirmation Details Popup: Show a pop up containing an ad or additional information right after a customer has purchased before viewing the Order Confirmation page
- To Edit: On your event, go to General Details and scroll down to Show Advanced Fields. Under Advanced Fields, edit the Confirmation Details Popup setting.
Customizing the Order Confirmation Email
There are multiple ways to customize the order confirmation email a customer receives after their order. You can include additional information about the event or customize this per ticket type.
- [All Purchases] Order Confirmation Email Text: Use this setting to customize the text in the order confirmation for all purchases regardless of ticket type.
- To Edit: On your event, go to General Details and scroll down to Show Advanced Fields. Under Advanced Fields, edit the Order Confirmation Email Text setting.
- [Purchase Specific Tickets] Ticket Type Order Confirmation Email Text: Use this text to include information about specific ticket types in the order confirmation email (Ex: What time and where is the VIP entrance for a VIP ticket purchase). If a customer purchases multiple ticket types with custom order confirmation email text, they will all show in the email.
- To Edit: On your ticket type, scroll down to Show Advanced Settings and edit the Ticket Type Order Confirmation Email Text setting.
Customizing PDF Tickets with Post-Purchase Information
There are multiple ways to add additional post-purchase information to PDF tickets including disclaimers, specific ticket type information, and more.
Set Post-Purchase Defaults for the Event
To set the default post purchase information for all ticket types on an event, click Edit Tickets & Merch then Ticket Settings.
- Post-Purchase Ticket Details: Any ticket details relevant for all ticket types that you would like customers to know after placing an order (ie: pick up times, registration information, etc). This displays on the order confirmation page (not email) and PDF tickets.
- Post-Purchase Ticket Disclaimer: Any disclaimer information relevant for all ticket types you want customers to know after placing an order. This displays on the order confirmation page (not email) and PDF tickets.
Adding Ticket Type Specific Information to the PDF
This section will cover adding specific ticket type information to the PDF. When editing an individual ticket type, scroll down to the bottom and select Show Advanced Settings:
- Show Event's "Post-Purchase Ticket Details" on PDF: Gives the option to show or hide the Ticket Disclaimer set in Ticket Settings on the PDF ticket
- Show Ticket Type Description on PDF Ticket: Gives the option to show or hide the Ticket Type Description on the PDF ticket
Communicating with Attendees
For full details on ways to communicate with customers, reference the following articles: Sending Emails to Customers, Sending SMS Messages,