Sending SMS Messages to Customers

When customers purchase they are given the ability to opt-in to have you communicate with them via their mobile phone number. This article goes over how to communicate with them via SMS message. 

How to Send Text Messages to Customers

  1. Select “Email & Text Attendees” > "SMS Messages"  in the left event navigation
  2. You will see the number of opted-in customers to the right of the phone image.
  3. Type the message you wish to send in the phone screen. Remember there is a max character limit of 160.
  4. Send yourself a preview by entering your number into the “Preview # Number” box, and hitting "Send Preview"
  5. Toggle on "Schedule SMS Send Time" to indicate a specific date/time. If no time is selected message will be sent immediately. 
  6. Limit Delivery by Ticket Type to only send SMS messages to those who purchased a specific ticket type, and opted in to receive SMS messages. 
    Note: This message will not be sent to wait-list orders
  7. Once satisfied with your message, toggle on "I have verified the content of this SMS Message"
  8. Click to "Send message to attendees".
  9. Any SMS messages previously sent will appear at the bottom portion of the screen.