Event Embeds & Widgets

Our different embed options allows you to simply implement a code snippet within your site(s) or blog that automatically embeds your events directly onto the page.

Step 1: Navigate to Widget/Embed Code

Depending on your user role determines where you will generate your code. Determine where you will generate your widget code:

I want to embed just my organizations events on my website 

  • Navigate to your organization in the top menu (Manage Organizations) and click on 'Organization Event Embeds' from the left menu once managing your organization

I want to embed ALL the events across the entire ticketing platform on my website

  • When viewing the Platform Dashboard or the Upcoming Events list, click 'Widgets & Embeds' from the left nav menu

Step 2: Generate Widget/Embed Code

There are multiple different options of embeds you can choose from:

  • List View: Generates a list of events with a featured image and a tickets button
  • Grid View: Generates a grid of events using your event logo, cover photo, or poster
  • Calendar View: Generates a calendar of events with a featured image and a tickets button on mobile

Select which option you'd like to embed click "Install Code". 

Step 3: Copy Code & Install 

Copy each portion of the code and paste it in the following locations on your website:

  • Head Code: Include this in the <head> portion of your website (usually where you add any tracking pixels)
  • Main Code: Include this code where you'd like the embed to appear on your website

Step 4: Customize Code (Optional)

There are a couple ways to customize the code to better fit your website:

  • accntcolor: Color hex code for the accent color on the widget (tickets buttons, hover color, link color, etc)
  • btntext: Add this parameter with a color hex code to customize the tickets button text. By default, the button text is black.
  • layout: 'list', 'grid', or 'calendar' depending on what kind of view you want to embed 
  • affiliate: Learn more about adding event affiliate links (promoter affiliate links re added by default)

Important: pid and oid should not be altered in order for your embed to work correctly 


List View:

Grid View:

Calendar View:

Affiliate Link Options

There are two ways to add affiliate links to the embed widget: click-tracking affiliate links & non-click tracking affiliate links.

Click-Tracking Links

To add your click-tracking event affiliate link to the embed, take your shareable affiliate link, extract the utm_source, utm_name, and utm_id, and add it to a list of params as shown below:

Example URL: https://tickets.sdevents.com/e/beach-bash-2022/tickets?utm_source=affiliate&utm_name=mailinglist&utm_id=6164afa9eaec4693898543dc0ad1e030

Non-Click Tracking Affiliate Link

To add a non-click tracking affiliate link to your sales modal, add affiliate: 'your-code-here', to your code. Example: