How can I sell tickets on my website?

There are multiple ways to easily sell tickets directly on your website or blog. Our different embed options allows you to simply implement a code snippet within your site(s) or blog that automatically embeds all  events created on your ticketing platform or for a specific organization. You also have the option to sell tickets for an event directly on your website. 

Our embed & widgets options are awesome because:

  1. The different embed choices make it incredibly easy for your customers to buy tickets or easily navigate to your event & ticket page.
  2. Embedding your events maximizes your customer’s experience and willingness to purchase.
  3. You can track / measure which embed placements are selling the most by applying custom tracking links within the embed technology.
  4. You can customize the look of each different embed option to match your branding or event theme.

With the variety of embed styles available, you have multiple ways to market your events and sell tickets directly on your website.

Widget & Embed Options

There are a few different embed & integration options to choose from: