Tracking & Monitoring On-Site Sales

Viewing On Site Sales Data

Sales made through the backend and mobile box office are recorded per user account to track ticket sales on the day of the event. User transaction data is available on the Dashboards and Reports > Box Office Sales page. 

This page lists the users on the event along with a per user breakdown of tickets sold, cash/credit, and backend/app. Selecting Filter by Date allows you to filter the data by a custom date/time range. 

Viewing Order Processor for Specific Orders

To see which user processed a specific order, navigate to that order by selecting Manage Attendees > Orders and looking up the order. The order details contain a "Processed by" item which contains the name of the user who processed the order. 

Downloading a Report

Additionally, you can download a sales CSV report including a breakdown by order source and order processor. To download a report, select Dashboard and Reports > Downloadable Reports and download the "All Order Details Report". On the report, the order source is listed under the "Order Payment Source" column, and the user who processed it is listed under "Order Processed By." To include only on site sales, you can filter the report to include only "back-end" and "app" in the source column.