September 2021

New Features 

Promoters & Promoter Dash

We’ve built a new way to manage promoters and affiliate links for your organization and events. Partners can either invite promoters to their organization or to specific events where promoters can generate unique tracking links to promote events. Features include:

  • Ability to invite promoters to promote all events for an organization or a specific event
  • Ability for a promoter to accept an invite and create a new account 
  • Ability for a promoter to generate unique tracking links either for all their events or specific events 
  • Ability to send a curated list of events they’re promoting 
  • Ability to view clicks and sales for the each individual link
  • Ability for the Partner to view sales activity for each promoter including individual link performance

Ticket Access Codes & Bulk Upload Access Codes

We’ve improved our Ticket Access Code functionality to replace our previous Ticket Access Code functionality limited to each ticket. Ticket Access Codes can now be created and managed under the event “Marketing & Promotion” menu item. Features include:

  • Ability to create multiple access codes that unlock 1 or more ticket types. This means multiple codes can unlock the same ticket type.
  • Ability to limit an access code based on number of orders and number of total tickets used (ie, can only be used on 10 orders total and only used on 50 GA tickets total. Per order ticket limits should be set on the ticket type)
  • Ability to restrict the access code by date and time
  • Ability to bulk upload multiple access codes at once

Widgets & Embeds: List, Grid, Calendar

We’ve added the ability for partners and organizations to embed events widgets on their website in either a list, grid, or calendar view. You can copy/paste the embed code from the Partner Menu or the Organization Menu. 

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New Classic Theme

We’ve added a new default Classic Theme (No. 1) that replaces the previous default Classic Theme. 

Modern Dark Theme

We’ve added a new Dark Modern Theme as an additional option for the Modern Theme on events. 

Advanced Breakdown Reporting 

For events created after Aug, we’ve updated the current sales & historical sales dashboard with the following features:

  • Initial summary view of revenue and ticket sales
  • Advanced breakdown reporting that breaks out all the funds collected and refunded on your event resulting in your net revenue
  • Advanced breakdown reporting that breaks out the amount of money collected via credit vs. cash

Optimizations & Platform Improvements

Modal Mobile UX + Colors

We’ve improved the Sales Modal to be more mobile friendly and adhere to custom colors when using the Modern Theme. 

Modern Theme: Sessions

We’ve added support for Session events on the Modern Theme. Previously, sessions could only be used with the Classic Theme. 

Modern Theme Custom Colors

We’ve updated the Modern Theme to apply custom colors more broadly to include questionnaires, required buyer fields, and more. 

Event Listing Page Improvements

  • Default Image: The default image icon displays if the following exist, in this order: Event Logo, Event Masthead Image, 1st Photo Gallery Photo, Placeholder Image
  • Shopping Cart / Sessions Tickets Buttons: If an event is a shopping cart or session event, we’ve updated the event and tickets buttons to take you to the appropriate location.