November 2021

New Features 

Insights & Google Analytics Data 

We’ve improved our reporting capabilities by integrating with Google Analytics to offer event organizers additional insights about their event traffic and conversions. 

View Help Article

*Note: Google Analytics page view data exists starting October 27th and later

Google Search  - Event Structured Data 

We’ve improved the way we tell Google and other search engines specific information about events. This allows Google to display events in their upcoming events search results. Any event that is set to Visible or Discoverable in Event Privacy settings allows search engines to crawl the event. To be excluded from search results, set your event to Hidden. 

Optimizations & Platform Improvements

Wide / Full Width Theme Deprecated

The wide theme is no longer available for newly created or duplicated events. Events that already use the wide theme are able to keep using the wide theme until the event is over. The classic theme and modern theme are still available to use. 

Timed Entry: Pre-Select Date & URL Filter

Timed entry events now pre-select the date on the activity page when you click from the original event calendar. This prevents the customer from having the choose the event date twice.

Delete Event User Experience

We’ve reinstated the ability for event organizers to delete events. If events have not had any paid orders on the event (comped or free orders only), it’s eligible for deletion. Once an event has paid orders, it cannot be deleted and should be instead deactivated.