Zapier Integration

Zapier is the easiest way to automate your workflows and feed ticketing data into external third party tools.

Zapier Triggers

We offer a number of triggers to provide ticketing data to any platform included in Zapier's extensive library of apps, such as Constant Contact, Salesforce, and more. 

  • New Order: Triggers each time a new order is created
  • New Ticket: Triggers each time a new ticket is created (fires once per ticket on an order)
  • New Check-In: Triggers each time a ticket is checked-in
  • Event Created: Triggers each time a new event is created
  • Event Published: Triggers each time an event is published
  • FAQ

New Order Trigger

Data available for each order (if collected/available): 

id: 8ca65da7-d534-4a2e-80a3-54ea0ad1e040
event_id: 1234abcd-aa11-bb22-cc33-abcd1234
event_name: Example Event
event_date: 2019-01-01 16:00:00
first_name: Jane
last_name: Doe
dob: 1990-01-31
phone: (555) 123-4567
title: COO
company: Acme Co
address: 12345 Happy Ln.
address2: Apt. B
city: San Diego
state: CA
postal_code: 12345
country: US
opted_in: true
opted_in_sms: true
subtotal: 20.00
total_paid: 27.50
contributions: 25.00
promo_code: 10PERCENT
promo_code_amount: 2.00
promo_code_id: 1111aaaa-bb22-33cc-dd44-5555eeee6666
purchase_location: online
paid_date: 2019-04-05 15:22:00
paid_date_utc: 2019-04-05 20:22:00
affiliate_code: smiths123
ticket_count: 10
organization_name: Acme Events Management
organization_id: 5555zzzz-22aa-33cc-bda6-049176681234
order_type: credit

New Ticket Trigger

Data available for each  ticket (if collected/available): 

id: 6890abcd-ab12-1234-ef78-1234abcd
event_id: a3955433-f1c2-446a-bda6-049176687165
event_name: Example Event
event_date: 2019-01-01 16:00:00
order_id: 8765abcd-ab12-1234-ef78-1234abcd
ticket_type_id: 2345abcd-aa11-bb22-cc33-abcd2345
order_first_name: Jane
order_last_name: Doe
name: Jane Doe
phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
paid_price: 8.00
ticket_type_price: 10.00
seat_id: SectionA-C-16
ticket_type_name: General Admission: Adult
organization_name: Acme Events Management
organization_id: 5555zzzz-22aa-33cc-bda6-049176681234

New Check-In Trigger

Data available for each time a ticket is checked-in:
event_id: a3955433-f1c2-446a-bda6-049176687165
event_name: Example Event
event_start_utc: 2021-02-01 16:00:00
event_end_utc: 2021-02-01 18:00:00
event_start: 2021-02-01 10:00:00
event_end: 2021-02-01 12:00:00
event_timezone: America/Chicago
order_id: 8765abcd-ab12-1234-ef78-1234abcd
order_first_name: Jane
order_last_name: Doe
order_phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
order_date_utc: 2021-01-01 16:00:00
order_date: 2021-01-01 16:00:00
opted_in: true
opted_in_sms: false
opted_in_sms_tickets: true
ticket_type_id: 2345abcd-aa11-bb22-cc33-abcd2345
ticket_type_name: General Admission: Adult
id: 6890abcd-ab12-1234-ef78-1234abcd
name: Jane Doe
phone: +1 (555) 123-4567
seat_id: SectionA-C-16
checkin_datetime: 2021-12-14 21:28:35
access_point_id: dcbe90e7-1beb-43a3-b152-407c15713b05
access_point_name: Main Entrance
access_point_instance_id: d64e7269-36e2-4df4-9dcd-b0e48bcb4191

Event Created

Data available each time a new event is created: 

id: 605a3e1b-e6e4-41bc-bf38-53e84c2750bd
name: Example Event 123
active: false
location: The Whitehouse
address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
address2: null
city: Washington
region: null
country: United States
postal_code: 20500
start: 2021-04-23 18:00:00
start_utc: 2021-04-24 04:00:00
end: 2021-04-23 20:00:00
end_utc: 2021-04-24 06:00:00
timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
attendee_limit: 0
is_dateless: false
created_utc: 2021-03-23 19:14:35
slug: example-event-123
tickets_active: true
website: null
summary: <p>This event is going to be awesome!</p>
status_change: created

Event Published

Data available each time a new event is published: 

id: 605a3e1b-e6e4-41bc-bf38-53e84c2750bd
name: Example Event 123
active: false
location: The Whitehouse
address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
address2: null
city: Washington
region: null
country: United States
postal_code: 20500
start: 2021-04-23 18:00:00
start_utc: 2021-04-24 04:00:00
end: 2021-04-23 20:00:00
end_utc: 2021-04-24 06:00:00
timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
attendee_limit: 0
is_dateless: false
created_utc: 2021-03-23 19:14:35
slug: example-event-123
tickets_active: true
website: null
summary: <p>This event is going to be awesome!</p>
status_change: published


What is Zapier? 

Zapier is a third party platform that connects multiple systems and APIs without the need of a developer. For more information, check out the Zapier website.

How do I get started? 

Please contact your account representative. Our Zapier integration is currently private and we can walk you through how to get started.

Where can I see a full list of integrations Zapier supports?

More information and a full list of integrations can be found on the Zapier website.

I have a question about the data I can get from Zapier.

Please contact your account representative and they can give you more information on what data is included in each trigger.